
Episode Nine - What were we talking about...

Show Notes:

Co-host: Johnny Curcio.

I'm really not sure how to feel about this one.  I like that it feels loose, but it also feels a bit more disorganized - coming off the great interview w/ Jen Bresnick, and the dystopia two-fer, it feels very disorganized on my part - but I also feel like we don't quite get our true points across.  By which I mean I don't get my point across.  But this is John's best show yet - so here it stays.

I hope you enjoy, and I remain,

Your Host.


Episode Eight: The Jennifer Bresnick Interview!

This is big folks, our first guest!

Jennifer Bresnick stops by to discuss her first novel: "The Last Death of Tev Chrisini"!

A big thanks to  Jennifer for stopping by - folks, stop by her blog, leave reviews on Amazon - let's make this huge!

Thanks for always for listening!
Infernally yours,
Your Host.


Episode Seven: The Future Sucked (Pt2)

Noah is back!  Wrapping up the Dystopia PodCast with a discussion of order v. chaos in the Fall Out Series.  Please comment and let us know what you think!

Again: Author Jen Bresnick on the next show discussing her book: The Last Death of Tev Chrisini!

A special thank to our lovely and amazing sponsors:

Fresh Hot Vintage!

Jen Bresnick's The Last Death of Tev Chrisini!

Aaron McMullan!

Dan Doran Photography!

Thanks again!
Infernally yours,
Your Host.


Episode Six: The Future Sucked Part One.

Show Notes!

Co-host: Johnny Curcio.

Our Sponsors:
Fresh Hot Vintage!  Vintage fashion, house wares, awesomeness.

The Last Death of Tev Chrisini!  Epic fantasy - Jen Bresnick will be on the show this month!  In paperback from Create Space, or on the Amazon Kindle.

The car mentioned mid-rant was the "Tucker Sedan".

Bonus: the SNL skit we talked about.


Meet your hosts...

This week: "The Future Sucked" Part one w/ Johnny C. - we're finally making it!  So, until Tuesday...Here's the cast of "Friends and Other Strangers"!

Class - Cleric.
Alignment: Chaotic-Good.
Supports: NYRed Bull (associated NY teams), Arsenal.
Likes: Makers Mark, His Lady Friend.
Dislikes: Trolls.  Not, like, "internet trolls" - like the kind that lived under the bridge near where he grew up.  No, I don't get it, either.
Fun-fact: Misses his mohawk more than he misses his youth.

Class - Bard.
Alignment: Chaotic-Good.
Supports: PENDING...
Likes: Various Alcohols, Ladies.
Dislikes: Extremism, Insomnia
Fun-fact: Once attacked a group of political science majors with a broad sword.  Only your host found it funny at the time.

Your Host:
Class - Barakumin.
Alignment: True Neutral.
Supports: Philadelphia Union, Tobacco addiction, Newcastle.
Likes: Lots of things.  Mostly telling jokes, much to the chagrin of others.
Dislikes: Trust us, you don't have the time.
Fun-fact: Knows who John Galt is.  Not impressed.