So, here I am, my cyber-wanderlust having brought me this far. Another blog, another fresh start, another...whatever. To be totally frank for a moment, I've grown more and more exhausted lately - mentally I mean. Well, put "for about two years" in place of "lately". I'm tired of the irony, the bile, and the snark and the generally pointless mean-spirited nature of...pretty much everything. I'm sick of only having one mode, and I'm sick of having little to show for it. So I've organized some changes, took some chances, and basically tried to unplug myself and let the mental reboot happen. Pull the car over. Fuck this. I'll walk.
I'm turning into a Social Distortion song, and I keep thinking that maybe this time it might work - all of the effort will pay off. People will get the hints I drop, and I'll get theirs', and life can be a bit more smooth. It's probably bugger all, but it's a nice dream. As usual, I have no idea how this will go, or if it will go at all, but screw it - a plan is a list of things that don't happen. But what the hell else am I going to do while I try to unwind after a day at the cube farm?
Which also brings up another point: If you've been reading "Skipping Rocks on the Lethe," you may have noticed two things - one, it has tapered off recently, and two, like EOE, it is no longer there. No, I haven't abandoned it - but if you're gonna burn a bridge, you gotta burn the whole damn thing. It should be back up at some point in the next two week, where I'll be finishing up the first meta-arc. Between adapting to the new work schedule (ha!) and some other projects I'm working on, I haven't been keeping up the pace I had hoped for.
And away we go...
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