

So, there's a new "widget" (which I thought was to "wedgie a midget") to your right for my twitter feed.  I'm rather glad that it doesn't fit properly, as I feel it makes it pop.  But I've found myself rather taken with Twitter - for one thing, it might be the apotheosis of Internet interaction - you are streaming into the void, anything you want, and interacting with people you have decided to stalk (well, "follow").  I prefer it to facebook, where everyone seems to pick a few days every month to whine (see next post), and myspace (which just became a massive ad), and google+ (which is too new to really be effective).  I like this blog, but I usually turn to it when I feel like spewing bile that I hope is entertaining, but I know is really just wankery.

The threat of wankery is always there - it's easy to slip into the general blah-ness of life and then start bitching about how nothing exciting happens or your lover used way 26 to leave you.  But there seems to be less of a chance of the social orgy of abasement and self-flagellation.  You have 140 characters - the normal facebook whiny post takes a bit more than that, and each @NAME makes it less and less.  I have to evilly chortle every this happens...so I've yet to evilly chortle, but I've been gearing up for when it's time.

Yeah, voyeur that I am, I'm also reading the thoughts of others.  I really dig Joe Hill (who...really is currently the best writer in his family [sorry Mr. King]) and Neko Case (her voice is sex, her tweets are delightful), and Roger Ebert (one of the few critics I respect).  Do I feel any closer to these people?  A bit.  Closer than I would about the normal twitter celebrities, who tend to be people that helped me decide to avoid television like the plague.  But there is something wonderful about sitting in on how people's day went, like being invited to dinner and listening to snippets of conversation around the table in between lamenting the lack of carrots in the salad.

So, will I be sticking to the haiku format of twitter?  I suppose so - I've yet to see a twitter war, but the people I've been following - be they friends or famous people I wish I knew.  Not because they're famous, mind you - I just want to be at the dinner.

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