
Episode Fourteen: The Ladies Respond

Jen's back for a discussion on feminism and the direction (and perception) of modern women.   Also, it's me showing my ignorance (boo) and learning better (yay!) - Good times for all!

We'll be back next week with a quick coda to all of this, and the opening salvo of the sequel decay theory!

Jen's Book!

Your Host


Episode Thirteen: ...And Treat Those Two Imposters Just The Same

Johnny Curcio is back to round up our discussion of masculinity - a bit more pop-culture.


Episode 12.5 - The FHV Interview!

Ms. Nicole Diekow stopped by the studio (which we apparently now have as outsiders are visiting) to talk about her online store, give a few fashion tips, a brief discussion about modern v. vintage, and to make me feel impossibly old.  I don't care - I got to hang out with models.  Episode 12.5 - the Fresh Hot Vintage Interview!

Let us know what you think in the comments, and as always, Thanks for Listening!

Until next time, I remain,
Your Host

ITEM: Ms. Diekow has pointed out that she had misspoke, and it is 1990, not 1992 which is closer to the moon landing than today.

Show Notes!

Fresh Hot Vintage - the shop!

Fresh Hot Vintage - the facebook page!

Fresh Hot Vintage - the flamethrower!  ...wait, they don't...?  Well, why not?!

Check out below the show for picks of some of the fashions.

Owner, Nicole Diekow in a 1980s neon graphic black mini dress.

Kristen Lomino in a 1960s asymmetrical wool military dress.

Mark in a 1970s green stripe western shirt.

...And as promised: the Grail!


Episode Twelve: If You Can Meet With Triumph and Disaster...


A reminder - Nicole Diekow of Fresh Hot Vintage will be sitting down with me for an interview this weekend.  Tune in on Friday!

Co-host Noah Houghtaling and I talk about what manhood means to us, and how it looks from our view in the media.

Our Sponsors! - with far too many exclamation point!

Fresh Hot Vintage!

Aaron McMullan!

Gentleman Drunk!  (Tell 'em we sent you!)

Jen Bresnick's "The Last Death of Tev Chrisini"!


Episode Eleven - We Promise, We Are Not Stalking The Following People...

Johnny Curcio is back to shame me about Celebrity Crushes.  I'm sorry to all those mentioned herein.

And I remain,
Your Host


Episode 10.5 - Geocaching!

Friend of the show Nathaniel Swartz stops by for a mini-cast about GeoCaching.

We're not professional people and it shows!

Infernally yours,
Your Host.

And a few outtakes: Why we didn't talk about Lord British.


Episode Ten: Time with Friends (Going Places)...

A lighter show with co-host Noah Houghtaling - an episode about music, and a little look behind the mental lives of your resident Podcasters.  Please let us know what you think!

Thanks for listening,
Your Host

And here's the Coda! Johnny C. stops by the show to talk about his musical side projects.

Your Host