
Episode 2.2 - We really, really need another hero...

Johnny C. is back for his second ep. - focusing in on comic books, reboots, and our near complete contempt for Frank Miller.

Also, yes, we got some of the Story Arch names wrong.  Yes we could have looked them up.  We were on a roll - I'm sure you understand.

As always, thanks for listening!
Your Host.


Season 2.Ep.1 - Now We are Adults...

We're back, baby.  So...this show contains extremely NSFW words and phrases (vulgar terms for anatomy, and a racial slur used a few times to prove a point).  The topic came about because...well, it's been a thread throughout almost every IRL conversation I've had since we stopped recording last year.  Also, my vaguely pathetic fake relationship with YouTube...ok, my really pathetic relationship with YouTube.

As always, thanks for listening!
Your Host.

Johnny C.'s YouTube page.

Deus Ex Malcontent.

Dodger's Coffee Time.


Production Diary: Getting the Band Back Together...

So, kind of a hectic end of the week ahead of me.  I'm co-hosting Noah's weekly soccer podcast tomorrow,  and Friday has the return of of Johnny C. to FaOS studios to record the season premier of Season II of the show.  Now, Friday is normally my "Fuck, I have a deadline" night, where I'll pound out the remaining portions of the entry, jot down a few notes for the next day, post it and go to bed.  If worst comes to worst (as it did last weekend), it goes up on Saturday, but I'll be in the city and then in Chester for a birthday and the Union Game.

That being said, entry four (why the hell did I call them 'Chapters") will be fairly short, and mostly serves to set the stage for the direction that Deathmatch is taking, and a very brief glimpse of the Judges, and what the Bastard is up to.

Entry five is the introduction of Jason Black from TPoR, and sheds a little light on Black Iron University (an event and setting that will become more and more important as the story continues).

So, there stands the grass.
Thanks as always,


Building a Better Sean...

Well, I've come to terms with the fact that I don't think I'll ever really be happy with how the fight scenes are going in the untitled project (that's a link there, that is).  So I'm putting the fighting stuff aside for a bit.  I'm actually kind of happy with the whole "turned what was supposed to be a prolog into it's own actual story" thing - hopefully it's make the characters' growth more noticeable, and make the closing battle at the end of the first part all the more startling.

Part of what's supposed to make the battle so massive (both in scope and in meaning) is seeing the characters out of the armor.  So, great ready for the quiet bits (which I'm ok with in stories, and total crap with in life).  I'm also kinda (read: blatantly) bring in the character of Jason Black from TPoR, and the events of "Skipping Rocks on the Lethe" - Jason doesn't really appear as a character until Part 2 (the story wraps up there - this isn't a trilogy), but I like the idea of including a lot of the background information on the characters through him.

One thing that's odd, thinking about Jason v. Garrett - Jason was written during a rough period of my life.  A lot of shit had gone wrong, more was going wrong all the time.  And currently I'm at the tail end (I hope) of a period that seem like that mental deconstruction's wikipedia entry: you get the idea of it, but not the full experience, if you take my meaning.  Jason was a semi-idealized version of me - Garrett isn't nearly as Mary-Sue in that regard.  He has a character arc, he changes and grows.  The whole first part is his descent, the second part his ascent (kinda).  At least that's how it plays out in my head.

But since a lot of the story (as planned) is about coming to terms with the past and with yourself, maybe it's good to have ol' whiny ass Jason back, if only to face those parts of me that keep screwing up my current existence.  On the Podcast Noah and I used to talk about how art (usually music) was meant to have an effect on you, but I've always figured it should have an effect on the creator as well.  We're supposed to grow and change, everyone, but we do it in different ways.  Hopefully this is mine - and but constantly producing something (if only for the length of this work), I can end up being a better me for it.

Ok, enough of this pompous malarkey.  I'm for a shower and then working more on entry four.

Later, people of earth,


Production Diary interlude...

So "Chapter Three" might be done in time for a Friday release.  Huzah for that!  But I've come to realize that...there are a lot of female characters in this story.  I think we're at a close 1:1 ratio, which is a bit odd for a story that has, for the most part, involved hitting other people with swords and other violent acts.  I'm not complaining - I'm just not sure if I write convincing female characters (well, among the other doubts I'll always have about my skills).  And since the character development is very lite and dialog based until after the "Atrocity match", i'm not sure if its coming out right.

"Chapter Three" introduces a lot of the main cast for the first bit - and sets up certain parts that will come into play later.  I'm generally very happy with the work I've gotten done, but i know it's all going to seem very action heavy in the beginning.  as one character will put it later on, "I'm not terribly comfortable with the quiet parts," because i want the scene to look just so - like Kubrick's camera work in "Barry Lyndon", or something alternating between the shadows of baroque paintings and the harsh fluorescent of a hospital.  I think if you set the scene like that, then you don't have to put the internal monolog or (God help me) have them give a soliloquy.  If you get the lighting right, then there's more text in crumpling a piece of paper than there is in the dictionary.

The flip side of this is going overboard, so that it's just a description of a fucking room, and any action taken by someone within is no longer organic, no matter how it's handled.

So we'll see.


Another portion of the story, more worries...

Well, chapter two is up.  I really hate calling them "chapters" - it seems really silly.  "Chapter One" was meant to be the prolog - it's only 1,588 words long - and "Chapter Two" clocks in at a slightly better 4,264.  I should have called them segments, but, well, it's started so I guess that's where we are.  After rereading the latest entry, I should have given more time to describing the surroundings - I didn't because I'm trying to follow plot and characters, letting each drive the other.  But surrounds are part of character development - the colors, size, adornments - all this stuff has a mental weight to it.  That will have to wait for later, now, I guess.

"Chapter Three" and "Four" both cover the same day, with "Four" probably being just one massive battle scene, with a tight focus on both Garrett and the Fury (her name is revealed in "Four"), while "Three" will go into more of the armor, even though I'm not sure if it's incredibly interesting, I think it's important since the cast spends so much time in the bloody things.  It might come off as a science-faction, but as the story takes place next Sunday A.D. (well, this bit takes place three years before next Sunday A.D.), I'm not really troubled about it.

Also, yes, Quint is gay.  

I'm also kind of nervous about introducing two characters who won't become forces in the plot until later (TJ and Emily).  I think it's a good move - TJ's already played a small part in the first chapter, and is planned for a bigger role later on, but for the first bit he's just sort of there.

So, yes, you'll find out what the Fury's name is before the end of March, and at somepoint in the future you'll find out more about the Bastard.

Thanks as always for reading,